We needed to get away. So we spent last weekend in St. Louis - with a 1/2 day stop in Columbia. Emily enjoyed the vintage shops and picked up a few cute items to add to her wardrobe.
Finished the Roll Neck shawl while we were car tripping. I liked it except I first knitted the eyelet edging and it rolled terribly. Ripped it out and replaced it with a garter stitch edge - not as pretty, but much more functional and this is, after all, a functional shawl. The Seta Lana yarn used in it is silk and wool blend for only $5.80 a skein - found it a few weeks ago at True Blue Fiber Friends in Columbia.

Went to my favorite lunch place - Teller's in Columbia and had a delicious salad with tuna steak on top - delicious. St. Louis was wonderful. Saw the new stadium. Didn't go to the game, but we drove by and it looks impressive. A co-worker went to the game and loved it. Maybe I'll have to go to a game there in the future. Arch is still there - stunning as always.
I found a brand new knit shop in St. Louis - Kirkwood Knittery. Never knew it was there. Wonderful place with knowledgable, friendly sales staff and LOTS of yarns that are hard to find. I'm talking Malabrigo here - yes they had it - in a variety of colors. And it's damned hard to find unless you go online. I wanted an instant Malabrigo fix to start a new shawl - called Ulmus. This is a fanciful, beautiful shawl in two colors. I started it using Malabrigo Chocolate Armago and Lettuce - too stark a contrast. Started over and am using Chocolate in Malabrigo with Happy Feet #2 - which are orange variegated orangey/autumnal colors the border will be in solid brown.

Saturday afternoon was spent on the Del Mar Loop. We walked all over that place. Emily loves the vintage shops there.
The weather was absolutely beautiful. Cool. No rain. Lovely. Relaxing. Couldn't have been better.

I love Kirkwood Knittery! They are so nice and helpful.
Sounds like a lovely weekend
Great pics with this post! Is it just me, or are we all having October weather in July this year? I love it!
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