It gets no better than this - being able to share my love of spinning with my Grammy Ferne who first taught me to appreciate crafts of all kinds. She loves knitting, spinning, weaving, painting, soapmaking, paper mache, sewing. Gosh, I can't think of a craft she didn't at least explore. You name it, she did it!

These photos were taken last week when I went to the nursing home to visit her. She celebrated her 94th birthday last Tuesday.

To the left of my shoulder in the last photo, you may be able to see a small woven wallhanging that she made years ago. She absolutely loves both spinning and weaving. And maybe I shouldn't mention it now, but I've been bitten a bit by the weaving bug myself lately.
Love you Grammy.
that is so special! i just love that!
ChelleC, thanks for your visit to and comment on my blog. I've been a bit afraid to call my friend -- it's been a couple of weeks -- I almost don'e want to know what's happening. I'm sure she'll appreciate your prayers.
Christmas blessings!
P.S. You're a real going concern with your travelling wheel! :-)
Awh, that type of sharing really hits a tender spot in the heart
Congratulations on your new Sonata. How fun to be able to share it with your grandmother. I came to your blog through Ravelry (I'm Missouri Star). I too am a beginning spinner - I just got a new Ashford Traveler. I enjoy your blog and look forward to following you in your spinning journey.
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