Bellatrina tagged me with a very fun MEME. I am going to participate in this one because the number 8 is my favorite lucky number AND the MEME sounds easy, fun and intriguing. It's a good way to learn more about people I like. So here goes:
Here's how to do this 8 THINGS thing:
Mention the person that tagged you (Trina). Complete the lists of 8's. Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends. Go tell them you tagged them!
1. Having a week off between jobs (yay!)
2. Starting the Comfort Shawl from Knitter's Daily, even though I said a couple of days ago that I was "all shawled out." Yeah, right.
3. Going out to a comedy club tonight with my husband and another couple.
4. Watching Lucy Neatby DVDs I just got from Smartflix.
5. Seeing my daughter get all dressed up for prom tomorrow night.
6. Spending a day relaxing in my PJS and knitting, watching movies - I MUST do that at least one day during my days off next week.
7. Going to Sprouts (yarn shop) tomorrow with my Mom. Never been there before.
8. Going off on a weekend with my family at the lake - maybe sometime this summer. It's so hard to all be available at the same time with our busy schedules.
8 Things I'm Pretty Darned Good At:
1. Getting stains out of garments - when Emily was 3 years old, she told her preschool teacher, "My mom is a good stain remover."
2. Pulling myself and others up when I'm down or they are down.
3. Writing.
4. Looking for deeper meaning in things - and trying to see patterns in my life.
5. Being a wife - I've gotten better.
6. Cooking.
7. Finding humor in nearly everything.
8. Knitting.
8 THINGS I DID YESTERDAY (in no particular order)
1. Said goodbye to the warmest group of people I've ever worked with and will truly miss several of them.
2. Finished the LaLa Prayer Shawl for an unknown recipient who became known to me today.
3. Figured out that the plant they gave me at work is a Tubular Begonia. Very pretty flowering plant!
4. Traveled through a huge rainstorm to reach my daughter's high school musical performance and arrived just in time.
5. Watched my daughter's concert choir perform several songs from Mama Mia! (which I love) - that musical makes me happy.
6. Was able to laugh instead of cry when a deceased relative gave me a good belly laugh.
7. Ate a delicious piece of Jenny Craig cheesecake.
8. Listened to Andrew Lord Webber's Diva CD. Very enjoyable.
1. Play the piano that sits lonely and largely unplayed in my livingroom.
2. Speak and understand Russian. Don't ask me why - but I want to. Spanish would be more doable and practical, but since when am I ever practical?
3. Spin a skein of yarn that is well plied, balanced, and knittable. One that I'm proud of.
4. Slow down a bit - appreciate what is going RIGHT in my life.
5. Lose the last 10 stubborn pounds~!
6. Be more patient and understanding with my teenage daughter
7. Travel to Europe with my husband and have a romantic 2 week vacation in England, Italy and Switzerland.
8. Make a living as a full-time freelance writer - my dream job in life.
1. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Maggie Smith
2. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
3. Siddhartha - Herman Hesse
4. Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
5. This Perfect Day - Ira Levin
6. The World Below - Sue Miller
7. The Opposite of Fate - Amy Tan
8. The Eight - Catherine Neville
1. Phyllis
2. Elysbeth
3. Lynn
4. Kay
5. Kim
6. Christine
7. Jennifer
8. Ellen
BTW, ANYONE who reads this blog and see this and wants to participate - please do. Come back and let me know when you've put up your reply :)
Yay! Very interesting :)
You book list was very insightful, and I was surprised by the last one, it's one of my favourites.
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