Here lately, even before Spring set in, my mind and attention span has been lighting from here and there all around, rather like a fickle butterfly flitting all over a beautiful field of flowers. There are just SO MANY interesting things to draw my attention. Why stick with one?
For instance, I've not only become absolutely ABSORBED with spinning, but I've also been following a slowly developing interest in Crochet. I'm starting to understand Crochet enough to actually enjoy it and find uses for it beyond just edgings and afghans. I'm seeing some really cute things that I want to make, and I'm finally getting the hang of it enough to contemplate a few projects.

A crochet teacher named Nirmal (pictured to the left) first introduced me to crochet in the Spring of 2008, I believe? She was a wonderful teacher, but I didn't get very far until I turned back to spinning and set the crochet hook temporarily aside while I picked up the drop spindle, and later the spinning wheel. But all the while I've been doing other things, the crochet has been dormant in my brain, and simmering on the back burner.
Well, the simmering finally came to a boil THIS Spring, when I decided to leap into a fulll-blown Crochet Shawl, called Seraphina. I started it just over a week ago, with the help and coaching of both Roberta and Julie in my knitting and crochet group. I'm starting to be able to read a crochet pattern too. Yay! Here's the beginning of the shawl. Once you get past the very beginning, it becomes really pretty easy. I say "easy" but I shouldn't brag until I'm totally done, right? But I'm amazed and happy at how quickly crochet builds a project, as opposed to the slowness of knitting. It's the ultimate instant gratification craft. I will never replace knitting with crochet, mind you, it just has different uses.
Two bloggers who have always made me wish I could crochet are: Ellen (Los Angeles Is My Beat) and Maryse (Bag'n Trash). If you ever have a chance, go take a look at some of their projects and you will drool too.

Now, the final straw with getting me absorbed with this Crochet thing is the Potholder Swap over on Ravelry, which I knew nothing about until after it was too late to join in. I'm not fond of swaps and don't usually do them, but I must confess that this one really had me hooked. Who WOULDN'T be attracted to a swap administered by none other than HelloYarn and Maryse? Talk about distracting, these potholders are so darn cute! They're truly amazing. Though I can't participate this year in the swap itself, it doesn't mean I can't start making potholders just for the heck of it. Why ever not?
And if I've intrigued YOU with any desire to crochet, go run out and get a copy of the March/April issue of Crochet Today because they have a whole feature on crochet potholders. The article is on page 41 and is called "Your Nana's Potholders" and the design is by Maryse Roudier. As the article says, nothing says "retro" like an over-the-top potholder. And they have the free pattern out on the web too. Here's the link.
Now where's my kitchen cotton and crochet hook?
Thanks for the shout-out, Chelle!
Your Seraphina is looking great! Keep going. Yes, crochet is way faster than knitting and really satisfying.
I saw the potholder swap too late also. I'm definitely joining next year's swap!
Funny how what is old becomes new again. Keep hookin'
I learned to crochet when I was 8, and finally conquered knitting last year. Potholders are definitely addictive - and who can pass up the instant gratification? Keep it up!
Seraphina is in my Q too. So many beautiful things to do, so little time ;)
I'd like to make one up in lace wieght. I' think I may start it after mythree WIPs get finished... We'll see. Can't wait to see yours. It looks great so far.
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