Okay, Grandma Ferne dragged me into spinning, kicking and screaming, when she offered me her Ashford Traddy 2 years ago. Now I'm being drawn into the darkside of her favorite craft love . . . . . weaving. Granted, I haven't fallen in love with it enough to add a room addition onto my house for a floor-sized loom, as she once did, but I like it enough to make this (second) scarf on my small Cricket heddle loom.

And I've dusted off my sewing machine - in this effort to transform my too-short first woven scarf into a Little Zippy Knitting Notions Bag. 

I have succumbed to the lure of a Kromski Harp 24" rigid heddle loom. Here it is all put together. Nice huh? For some reason, I had a heck of a time getting it assembled, and I kept thinking we had put it together
wrong. But my Kromski dealer from afar, DakotaSkipper, who I "met" on Ravelry is the very best, most supportive person. She dropped everything when I told her we were having trouble, and wrote out a whole tutorial on how to put it together. She is excellent support not only in selling the loom to me, but in continued information and assistance.

Soon will come mug rugs. I've been obsessively read Jane Patrick's Weaver's Idea book and watching her 2 set DVD instruction about rigid heddle weaving. She makes it look easy on the DVD. The book is a bit over my head, but will give me just what it says - IDEAS and inspiration for a long, long time. It may take me a while to get good enough to try many of the things she mentions in the book.
Gosh, my head hurts. I'm overwhelmed with crafting information this whole winter and now into spring. But the crafting has kept me focused on something fun and creative when much of the rest of my life has felt out of control and in transition lately, so that's probably why I'm immersing myself in them so much. It still is (a bit) cheaper than therapy, but a whole lot more fun.
Because of my spinning, I tend to hang out with a lot of weavers. As tempting as it is, I've decided not to go there! I'm overwhelmed with crating ideas as it is. It will be fun to watch you, though. Have fun - there are many days when I know my knitting, spinning and sewing is what keeps me sane.
Like the new blog scheme. But then orange/yellow are my favorite colors.
I love that your now weaving. I am not ready to go to the "dark side" of weaving. When I go to my spinning group on Sat. mornings, one of the spinners is now weaving as well. Its been interesting to listen to her ramblings of weaving. The Headles and the Treadles oh my! I have tried to keep it all straight with the wafts and the whafts! I'm so sorry.... I just cant go there yet.
I love the craft, and I love the posts of your wonderful work! My brain absolutely has gone on freeze! Maybe next year. Listen to me now. Say I won't do it, but something will push me too the brink. ( just like I said I would never knit lace) and I'll be there before I know it. Hahaha!
Keep up the beautiful work so I can ask you questions when I get there :)
Im into weaving too as a spinner and love it. I have the same book and really want to do Log Cabin but I dont see detailed instructions - did you cover that at the retreat?
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