All work and little play is making me a dull girl!! I haven't been reading, crafting or interacting with my friends as much. Gosh, I haven't been to knit group in so long. Haven't had time to knit, weave, or even spin very much.
So this week, I decided to go to a Unity class at night and it's a weekly group of 12 people that will meet one evening a week for seven weeks. We will be studying and reflecting on the book Ask Yourself This by Wendy Craig Purcell. The book isn't a typical "how to" book that tells YOU how to find your spiritual self. Instead, it gently guides you into asking questions that will lead YOU to find your own answers and your strengthen your own relationship with the God of your being. The questions this week, in the first chapter were: What do I know for sure? How big is my God? How wide is my circle (How open am I to being open to meeting and interacting with new people and those different from me?) How much room do I give God to work it out? Is faith or fear guiding my decisions?
The group of people I'm meeting with are doing wonders for widening my own circle and I have enjoyed them already! The first week with them gave me a chance to reflect and share other people's spiritual insights, which is refreshing.
I'm still doing that focus on my Consciousness Raising affirmation that I linked to last time. Rebecca and Martha, thanks for joining me on it! I even posted my affirmation in several places - in the car on the visor, in my cube at work, and carry it in my purse. By affirming it several times a day, I think I've raised my own consciousness and hope that it is contributing to raising the well-being of all.
This week, I'm committing to asking and answering the next chapter in the book, and the next set of questions. I'm also committing to giving myself and my family more time and focus - easing up, at least a bit, on work.
I'm affirming the best for all of us - keep your chin up everybody. It's going to get better - and for me, it already is. I just have to focus more on gratitude for the things that are good and recognize the good for what it is - have faith in things that seem out of kilter or unfair, because it all will be okay in the long run.
It seems even though we only have known each other through our blogs, that our lives are running on the a similar vein so to speak. You have a new job, as do I. I feel a sense of relief, yet I wonder if I'll not have time for ME! Oh how selfish... The only thing is we have been working and raising kids for so long that we haven't learned how to have that "ME" time. I fight with myself all the time about it! When I do get that time I always find a way to struggle myself out of it and go out of my way to fill it with others. I think by nature I really like being with people, but when I finally have that time alone, I love it!
Hang in there dear! You will find a balance. With change, we have to change. Our minds don't like it, because we just want things to feel normal again.
Remember that normal is what you have always known as comfort. Keep that comfort for yourself and your family. Because thats the part of your world that will always matter.
Your job will even out eventually. At that point you'll start to feel that as normal.
Find some time for YOU!
Love Tammie
Tammie - great hearing from you. I always enjoy reading your blog. Thank for the encouragement and kind words.
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