Yippee!! That is how I feel about my latest Finished Object, the modified but oh-so-wonderful Harriet bag, a Two Old Bags pattern. I am so proud of this bag. I bought the handles at Stitches Midwest from this wonderful vendor, Homestead Heirlooms, makers of leather handles that take your plain old felted bag up to that higher level of truly "Yeah, I want to be seen carrying this bag."

Lori and Karen, the proprietors of that shop, had a bag very similar to mine on display there and I just absolutely fell in love with it! I had to have one just like it, and now I do. Thanks Karen and Lori. You are the best. I'd long admired this Harriet bag, but frankly the original pattern fit it's name - practical and "sturdy" but a bit matronly. With the dowel and leather handle modifications, I thought they'd made this bag truly outstanding. So now I have an outstanding version myself.
The photo with the bag flat on the automan is the pre-felted version - the bag was 17" tall and 24" wide when it started. After two feltings, it ended up at 13 inches tall and 20" wide. Very useful.

Another thing that I must point out is that my husband, Bob, helped me out by painting the dowel rods. He did so by hanging them from the tree. Very innovative. The paint went on very smoothly and evenly that way, without glopping up. Thanks, Honey. (He's always a supporter of my knitting efforts).
Post felting, the bag is magnificent and will carry my large supply of yarn when doing Freeform projects, big sweaters or afghans. I needed this suitcase size. Before I felted it, Bob said it looked so big he thought it was sleeping bag size, but it wasn't THAT big.
Sometimes when I build my expectations up too high, whether its for a movie or a special event, or a knitting project I've highly invested in, I end up disappointed. This project did not disappoint.
That is really fantastic! I agree, the leather handles take it to the next level. I wish I hadn't seen this, as I am a recovering felter - I had a bad habit for a while, and it's under control. I think.
Gorgeous! Very Classy.
That is a lovely bag - great style! I love the button/pin on it, too - gives it character.
Very nice! If I could have a bag come out half that nice, I'd have no wool in my stash.
It looks wonderful! So glad you weren't disappointed :o)
Thank you guys so much! I hate to come off as bragging, but I'm so darned proud of this bag. It's one of my favorite things.
The pin on it is one that I bought on clearance from Pizzaz before they closed. I really miss that store. I used to buy purses, scarves, jewelry there and pins of course. My Mom gave me an extra pin that's very pretty too. I can put different pins on the outside of the bag to change the look if I want.
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