I just finished two projects that I'm really happy with 1) The Harriet bag; and 2) the denim sleeves. Now where do I go from here? Warning: what follows is a mental rehashing of my knitting queue:

Finishing Unfinished items? I've thought that finishing up some already unfinished objects: 1) the Wrap Me Up that I started on the bus going to Stitches Midwest - it's in funky colors of pink, purple and green. Don't know if I'll wear it for a wrap (it's rather bright) or just use it as a wrap up afghan for around the house. 2) Annie Modisett Ruffled Roses scarf that I started and loved, but never finished from last winter.
In looking at my overflowing yarn room, I realize that I really need to spend less money on my knitting and use the yarn, books, patterns and materials I already have. There's a treasure trove in that room. There needs to be some figuring out of what I'm going to do next - what direction I'm going.
Freeform Vest or Jacket. One thing that calls to me, but I don't really know where to go with it, is Freeform. This yarn is some lovely stuff I picked up at Stitches Midwest, my only Stitches yarn purchases - and I could use them and some other yarn to do a freeform vest or jacket, I'm considering freeforming a colorful yoke and then knit or crochet the rest of the vest/jacket onto that? I have thought about making an Einstein but then replacing the regular yoke with a fancy freeform montage.

Vintage Vest. I could do the lovely Vintage Vest that I acquired last year at the Studio Retreat. Pictured is Stacey wearing her completed vest.

Tuscany Shawl. I'd like to do another shawl. Nothing was as rewarding as finishing that Forest Canopy shawl that I made last May, but shawls take such concentration, and my mind is in a fuddle here lately. If I could make the shawl and magically look like this woman (pictured), then I'd make it in a flash! But alas, a transformation like that is unlikely.
Jane Thornley Southwestern Vest - which I have all the materials for. It's freeform but it has a pattern that guides you through it too.
As you can see, my mind is just TEEMING with possibilities but I haven't settled on what to do next. I feel unsettled, restless, bored, depressed. My husband is complaining that I knit too much and think about knitting WAY too much.
I think my hormones are in an uproar, I feel old, fat, tired and unhappy and plenty grumpy about it. But other than that, whew, nor problem. I just need an attitude adjustment. Remember that smart-assed character - what was her name? The one who always used to say, "Snap Out of It!" That's probably good advice for me right now.
Two things: First....Here's a hug!
Second...thank goodness I'm not the only person that feels that way sometimes.
Howsabout the modisett scarf as aiming for a FO - winter is coming; and swatching for one of the other projects just to feed the creative frenzy?
Sorry to hear that you're feeling down. Hormones have a lot to answer for!
Your works above look great... my favourite is the photo at the top of your blog!
I shouldn't have read your post, however. Now MY "wish list" threatens to burgeon even wider.
Ravelry *is* a mixed blessing about that, in my opinion. I do enough damage on my own buying new books at the LYS without checking out new patterns there as well. I am actually a bit luddite and so have not gotten too much into checking out Ravelry - mostly for other versions of stuff I'm already working on ;-)
Fat and out of sorts - that's me. I have vowed to make taking care of my body job one until I "Snap Out of It." I'm awash in the possibilities of new projects too, and I have a strong yearning to Felt Something. I'm thinking a bag featuring my leftover Kureyon is in the near future, probably before I contemplate the Doctor's Bag from Knit2Together.
And Ravelry is the dangerous time eating monster, I must learn to treat it that way.
Hey im Emilys friend Kegan and I wish that you were my mom. I would have you knit me everything! =]
I hope i get to meet you sometime.
-keegy peegy
Keegan is my very best friend! : )
E - thanks for the hug. I needed that. I'm sure my mood will shift again soon, like it usually does. I'm so glad you are back. Glad you had a blast at SOARS.
Kristina - Hormones, yep, that's the problem. Thanks for your kind words about my work. You are so sweet. That wish list problem is bad. People make such great projects.
Catherine - yes, this weight problem is getting to me. It really MUST rise higher on my priority list. I went out tonight and bought healthy foods. Need to make a salad tonight for tomorrow's lunch. Also, the treadmill needs to be used DAILY and some strength training as well. The hit and miss exercise plan isn't working all that great.
Kegan, hello Emmy's new friend. I hear your mother is very sweet. It was nice of you to visit my knitting blog. It's probably boring for teenagers.
Ravelry really IS a time eating monster,
You too, huh? Last week I had to walk away from the computer and have a glass of wine. Between setting up my own stuff on Ravelry and looking at everyone else's stuff, my head was spinning a little too fast. Everyone there must end up feeling a bit overstimulated!
I understand how you feel about freeform, also. I loved it for about 5 years before ever doing anything about it. What got me started was deciding to do small projects first, and heck, that's what I'm still doing! Purses, baskets, pillows, those were things I could get into doing without feeling overwhelmed by the size and fit issues of real garments. I'm still interested in doing garments eventually, but it doesn't seem like *now* is the right time for me.
How I wish there was a pill to cure the 'chubby olds'! I'd be all over that bad boy. I think it's a 40-something malady.
You'll love the ruffled roses once you're done. It's gorgeous in the picture and even better in real life. I understand about the shawls, it's tough to make yourself think about one thing for so long, being of the MTV generation and all.
Ravelry... I agree with all of the above and that's why I rarely hang out there. It eats up entire days before I notice the time.
Well, I still don't know which project I'm going to do next. I am still hanging out waiting for inspiration and motivation to strike.
Hello! I am Shelly in Omaha, Elysbeth's friend. I read your site every once in a while.
You have the pre/post menopausal blahs. Tomorrow is my 45th birthday and I am having a major case of them and it looks like others are too. So take umbridge we all have "those" times.
Your knitting is lovely and I have learned so much from all of you. I am a neophyte at this art form- and I think you all forget that it is a artform. I can only try to aspire to the skill level of Elysbeth and yourself. Further my spouse is going to kill me for bringing home yet another book about knitting (there was a book sale at the hospital where I work) but I like it, it gives me a modicome of happiness and it is fun to read- much like a good cookbook. And I have at least 6 huge bins of yarn, so obsession is not isolated to you. Sending hugs and much encouragement.
Shelly, thank you for your kind comments - and Happy 45th Birthday by the way! You are right - there's definitely something perimenopausal/hormonal going on. I guess it's the age for both of us to go through it. I'll be 47 soon, and so there's no getting around the fact that hormones are making my moods gloomy. Thanks for brightening my day by sharing your warm thoughts.
So much yarn, so little time. Yes, it is confusing, but exhilarating all at the same time. When I feel down, I just head to my stash and start opening up bins and fondling the yarn. It's a mood lifter that works everytime for me!!!
Sounds like you are overwhelmed by possibilities...soon you'll settle on what will be your new project and your mood will lift. I promise! :o)
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