During the past week, even though I absolutely LOVE Colorado and have been there many times on business, I discovered that I am capable of experiencing fairly bad Altitude Sickness. So next time, I'll be on the lookout for that ahead of time and will be a bit more prepared for it.
Between business and personal trips, I've had quite enough travel for a while and am happy to say I have a chance to rest and stay home for a while. Yay! At my age, rushing through airports and standing on hard concrete tradeshow floors while trying to look perky isn't my idea of fun. But I'm back now, and ready to sink into my own comfy bed. Whew! (Big sigh of relief).
So what have I been doing, besides working? Not much. But I did manage to knit one hat, the Amanda hat, for our Sunflower Guild's charity Christmas project. We're knitting or crocheting hats for teens, both boys and girls. If you have any really cute patterns that a teenager would love, let me know (especially if it is FREE). This one, the Amanda hat, happens to be a freebie and is very easy and fun to do. Even though I'm a slow knitter, I managed to finish it in just a few days of snatched knitting time. So I'd highly recommend this one. It would also make a good quick gift if you need to whip up something fast.
Oh, and we're still preparing in every way possible, for our daughter's launch off to college. We just returned from a college orientation weekend that left us all excited, anxious, happy, and looking forward to a new phase of life --- both ours and more importantly, hers. I keep saying it, but really, I can't believe my daughter is growing up and away from us so fast. So on the way there, I started working on her college afghan that she requested. It's a Granny Square afghan. I was instructed by her to make it "as wild, with crazy colors" as possible. She wants it soft and washable, so I'm using Berocco's DK Comfort Acyllic yarn. It is wonderful, soft stuff that washes up very well. I love this stuff! Here are the first two Granny Squares that I managed to create based on the free and well-written "Traditional Granny Square" pattern offered by Heirloom Stitches.
These little squares were VERY FUN to whip up. So I will go buy some more of the yarn, in more colors, maybe tomorrow, if I can find a shop that is open and stocks it. Crocheting or sewing them together may not be as much fun, but the project is perfect for an on-the-go crocheter like me.
lad you're home safe.
interesting article. i have those symptoms myself every time we go to the mountains (just the first day) and never knew it could be that. wierd.
that really must be wierd/hard/scary/exciting to deal with, getting a child off to college! i have kind of lost my bearings with my kids being in french school system. Rémi just finished his first year in "collège" which is middle school. i just go with that without thinking much about it but my mom told me my niece was going to be in 7th grade next year (she and remi are same age) and i was like...OMG! And that means dd will be in 5th next year!
they grow so quickly, huh?
Rebecca, yeah, I just had it the first day. I arrived in the afternoon and we had several hours to kill, so we went hiking. I started feeling like I couldn't catch my breath, my heart was racing, I developed a bad headache. I couldn't sleep all night and then started feeling nausea too. Was able to get rid of it by drinking tons of water and laying down for a while after taking aspirin and putting a cool cloth on my head. I felt much better after the first day.
Glad you're back home safe and sound! I feel your pain about the altitude sickness too. When we took the train up Pike's Peak several years ago I got the most painful headache I'd ever had. I seriously thought I was going to die. But it only lasted a couple hours after we got off the mountain, thankfully. Sure was beautiful up there though.
Oh the granny sqaures look GREAT! I know KnitWit in Olathe carries the Berroco comfort dk, but that's not on your end of town, have you called the shop in Independence?
Good to be home, huh? I love the Amanda hat! I've just started on my hats too. :)
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