So now, I have a perfectly good spinning wheel, a Kromski Sonata (shown at left), which I've only had since November 2009, but I find myself lusting after other wheels, preferably, like the shoe request, one that can do EVERYTHING and be EVERYTHING - it should be able to spin everything from lace weight to Art Yarn. It should be sturdy but beautiful and traditional. It should also be affordable, not too extravagant. It shouldn't take up too much room in my house, and be at least somewhat portable. It should treadle easily and effortlessly. It should be easy - both on the eyes and the pocketbook, but not TOO easy or common. It should be all things rolled up into one.

When did these disturbing feelings arise? Well, it started with second guessing my wheel choice, maybe I SHOULD have chosen the Ashford Traveller, which I've always loved, or the Kromski Minstrel, which is about the same price but has double drive as well as single and is so much PRETTIER than mine, in the traditional wheel look that makes me swoon. I'd want mine in Mahogony.

And then, when I went to Jeff City last Spring, I sat next to a lady who had a Spinolution Bee, a very clever and cute travel wheel that treadled from side to side - a very unusual treadling motion. And it packed up like a dream, so cute and so efficient, as well as a dream to spin on.

Oh and another wheel fastasy. Just one more I REALLY like. Ahem. The Majacraft Rose. Yep. A little outside my limited budget unless I get a REALLY good deal on a used one. Possible but unlikely.
So now, I want another wheel. Don't need one. Just one one. It's wheel lust, plain and simple. What's a girl who wants everything to do?
Hang with the crowd that has wheel lust also!
I love my Bee. I trundle it around in a wheeled sewing-machine case...
I'm with you there! I would also liek spinning class - to know how to take care of and how to fine-tune the one i have.
if i win the lottery, i'll get us both a nice new one ;)
PS dont count on it as i dont but lottery tickets os i dont think i'll ever win ;)
Ahh wheel lust. While you're lusting after the "do everything wheel" lust after some "do everything time" for me.
Hmmm... I dunno, that travel wheel definitely looks like a NEED not want.
I don't even spin, and I kinda want it.
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