Here is what I'm currently working on knitting-wise. Back to the beginning on the Ocean Waves "Not a Poncho" project brought to you by Jane Thornley.
All week, I've been knitting and re-knitting the same beginning 5 inches of the "Not a Poncho." The problem? I can't find just the right shade of gray to begin the work. I either end up with yarn that is too light or too dark. Did you know how many shades of gray there are and how hard it is to find just the right shade?
The Spring Sweater on the list above is not anything I've started yet, but it's in my mind. I am going to eventually start a short sleeve Spring sweater. I have some yarn in mind . . . but that's a whole nother story. I'll tell you more about it once I start it and find the right pattern for it.
I've been doing a lot of reading on Jane Thornley's website. If you go to Jane Thornley's website (see link at right), you can not only learn more about her Knitalong with the Not A Poncho project, but you can also read about her coming Fall knitting trip to Italy. She calls the knitting adventure "Knitaly." And after viewing her details about the "Knitaly" trip to Florence in October 2007, I sure wish I could go!! It sound wonderful. Laura and I were pining about it tonight on the phone. Of course, we can't afford to go, but two knitting girls can dream, can't they?
I'm right with you dreaming about Italy! I also checked out a Frances Mayes book from the library - big sighs ensued. Grey is a hard color, I remember reading something about that in Sally Melville's color book. Think of all you are learning!
When I couldn't find the right colors for my self-portrait, I ended up buying laceweight yarns and blending them.
I had four different lace colors. I could blend two of one color and two of another, or one and three, or whatever it took. It was a hassle but it really worked out well.
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