Last weekend we had a real AHHHHHHH kind of relaxing weekend. This is the lovely view of the lake that we had from our cabin balcony (it's a two story cabin and we were on the top floor). We stayed at the Lake of the Ozarks, one of our favorite quick getaway spots. We have a regular place we stay. Wish we owned a cabin down there, but we don't.

Anyhow, the weather was PERFECT - cool, crisp and a bit overcast. The trees hadn't started turning pretty colors yet, but everything else was ideal. Felt like fall and we all had a great time. We brought both the daughter and her friend, and they had a blast too.

I mainly crocheted on my beginner scarf I'm working on from "Happy Hooker" (Deb Stoller) book. I will show you a photo of it next time - I haven't taken a picture of it yet. It's turning out pretty good for a first effort.

Don't worry, I haven't turned to the "dark-side" and become a total crochet-holic. Not by any means. I'm still a knitter, but I wanted to be "bi-craftal" so that I can have more creative tools to do what I want to do, and I like to try new things. Crocheting is fun, even though I'm still very awkward with it.
The weekend was fantastic. Ah . . . . now I need to go to work. Groan.
Saw your post about my Tuscany....unfortunatly its been so long since I did mine I can barely remember - except I do have a note that said "Do-over" so I think I had a goof right around your time. I ended up writing out the chart line by line, and found that it was a bit easier to work with. :) Once you get in the groove, its fun! (And a great nice shawl)
HI Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving a comment. I subscribed to your blog a while ago, I think maybe from Jane Thornleys site (??). Shame about the Icelandic Shawl - I've had my eye on this one too.
Corrie, the Tuscany I finally figured out - I'm going to get to work on it more once I finish my felted bag.
Christine, yes, I remember that Jane Thorney project, ugghhh, another "forget about it" project. I will go back to the Icelandic shawl, I love it, I just didn't want to deal with 390 some stitches right off the bat in my current state of mind. I prefer the "start with 6 stitches and expand from there" shawl - but eventually, I'll return to the Icelandic one.
Another note: I love Jane Thornley's website and her patterns -- that knitalong Not a Poncho just didn't work for me. I love her projects and especially her colors. She's a real artist.
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