Sandy over at Knitting Daily (I dearly LOVE reading her), has recently been asking herself, and her readers, if they are Yarn Collectors. Meaning of course that sometimes they buy yarn without a specific project in mind, just for the sheer beauty of it.
I started thinking about it, and gee, that sounds like a nice light and FUN Friday food for thought here on the Hanging Thread. Overall, I probably fit into a Yarn Collector mentality. Although I've definitely become more project-focused over the last year or two, and I now DO ask myself the all-important question of "would I really wear this?" in selecting yarn for projects. That has helped me avoid many costly mistakes, and eliminated many yarns that although pretty and soft (i.e. Alpaca), if a yarn has a big "downside" i.e. Alpaca fuzz flying all over the room when I wear or knit with it . . . . I can definitely turn away yarn if it just isn't right for what I'm trying to do with it.
Incidently, I like the term "Yarn Collection" because don't you know, darling, it sounds so much more glamorous and artistic than simply calling it my "stash." Plus that makes me, as a Yarn Collector an actual yarn connoisseur, which is SO MUCH more artistic and enviable than "yarn addict." So I'm a YC with capital letters now, folks, and wear that label proudly.
Here are some of my acquisitions that were purchased for sheer admiration and beauty of the yarn:

And most recently, however broke, I simply HAD to had this Fleece Artist yarn (see yellow, blue and fushia yarn below) for a specific project I've been dying to make for months, the love Agatha Shawl. How could I turn this gorgeous yarn away? It was simply DESTINED to be an Agatha. Who can deny it?

Speaking of Knitting Daily, did you know that up until May 14th, you can go here and download for FREE the top five Reader's Choice patterns from Knitting Daily that were in the past year's Interweave Knits? That's really great. I've already downloaded mine, and the Top Five include wonderful projects such as: Sunrise Circle Jacket, Cable Down Raglan, Swallowtail Shawl, Nantucket Jacket and Tweedy Aran Cardigan. So go check it out . . . now what yarn could I use to make that Swallowstail Shawl . . . ? Maybe there's something in that stash, err, I mean Yarn Collection of mine.
MAN, Chelle! I was just thinking earlier this week, after a trip through Ravelry, that I've finally gotten over lusting after, looking for, and buying every pretty yarn I see then BAM! I read your blog and see the Fleece Artist yarn (yellow, blue and fushia)!! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT!
It's SOOOO vibrant!
That Ranch yarn looks so delicious. Like icecream with caramel topping and a fudge swirl.
Wow, that last is my favorite. I have been able to stop the collecting and now I just knit or spin up my own. I have, however, started collecting fiber:) Is that different?
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