My favorite knitting magazine by far has always been Interweave Knits, but lately my eye has increasingly been turning to another favorite, Creative Knitting. Have you taken a peek inside of the May 2008 issue? It's fantastic! I seriously want to make every single project in there. Of course, I won't (so much stuff in the knitting queue and so little time) - but I like them all. What a goldmine of ideas.
Let's recap - okay, where I currently work, I don't dress up a lot. We wear "business casual" (slacks/blouse) on regular days, except on Fridays when we wear jeans. But if I were ever inclined to dress up just a BIT and look more professional, I'd definitely want to make and wear the gorgeous Asymmetrical Style jacket on page 20. I could really see myself wearing that to the office.
The Catch a Cable tank top on page 36 is another one. With my pale skin and slightly flabby middle-aged arms, I don't wear tanks much these days. However, for the young and young at HEART, that tank would be a winner. If my daughter would wear it, I'd make her one.
The Easy Side to Side Vest on page 33 is cute and has a bit of lace. Doesn't look too hard.
The Drop Me a Line Vest on page 34 is cute and has a lacy edging that is quite interesting.
The Lacy Leisure hoodie on page 16 is unique and cute - and who doesn't appreciate a hoodie? They really coime in handy. This is a feminine hoodie sweater.
Page 56 has a photo of one of the cutest babies I've ever seen wearing an adorable BABY HOODIE. Oh my gosh!!! The only thing that concerns me is there doesn't seem to be much detail in this pattern - and I wish it had a schematic.
In fact, I prefer every single sweater pattern I work on to have a schematic. Please editors? It really helps me visualize what's going on when the instructions aren't totally clear. For the direction-challenged among us, that's really a helpful pattern feature.
On page 62 is a felting project called Felted Accompaniments - a vase holder, and coasters. These would make really cute gifts, as would the makeup bag and beaded floral bag on pages 48 and 49. The Embossed Daisy washcloth on page 65 is nice too.
The Mitered squares and stripes throw on page 60 appeals to the part of me that loves modular knitting. It makes a 44" X 60" blanket.
Lastly, the ribbed anklets on page 51 are great and if you have little kids feet to think about, there are options for socks for the young ones on page 52.
I LOVE this issue and every time I thumb through it, it makes me want to start SEVERAL things at once, which I already tend to do anyway. Don't need to exacerbate my already active Knitter's ADD, right?
You can wear a tank under a light linen jacket. You're young enough at heart.
I'm going to have to check that issue out. Now that I have my sexy, new Laguna bag, I have to fill it up with projects!
I'm with you on the arms thing. What I always think, when I look at a tank, is, I can always pick up stitches around the arm and knit on a sleeve or two. Just make sure the stitch count is a multiple of the pattern for the body, if necessary, and off you go. I'm not letting my age make me miss out on a cute sweater top.
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