Why is it that I can't seem to get no purse- making satisfaction? This is the cabled purse that I tried to make but mine came out wider and squatier than Alie's version in the shop. Actually, mine is the right length, according to the directions - it's 10" deep but instead of being Alie's 9" in width near the top - mine is a wider 13" in width, and lacks the tapered look, even though I did the decrease rounds. Mine has a kinda squarish/rectangled shape. I should have knit more length and maybe it wouldn't have appeared so wide? Also, I should have perhaps decreased more toward the top of the bag.
Ultimately, it probably doesn't matter, because I don't like this bag enough to spend the effort redoing it.
I don't actually have the handles sewn on yet, I'm just setting them there on top the purse for display purposes. I will sew them on this week - maybe. I'm not honestly very motiviated to finish this thing - but I suppose I will. I want to have something to carry at Stitches for a regular handbag.
You can't see it well here, but my Grammy, as usual, did an EXCELLENT job of sewing in a very neat, attractive lining (complete with requested side pocket).

When I think back on it, very few bags end up turning out like I want. I don't know why. They are cute enough, I suppose, but somehow I expect them to be more USEABLE and no matter what I do, they end up disappointing.
Maybe this one will grow on me? Not sure. I think it's like my Mom said, while we both enjoy making bags, we don't end up carrying them a lot. I'm not sure why - is it because they are floppy and unstructured, unlike a regular handbag? Any theories or insights would be appreciated - especially before I blindly fall in love with another bag pattern, then spend hours and good yarn making another one of these shelf-liners for my closet. Someone stop me, will ya? Or else give me the secret to making a truly well-loved bag project.
I am willing to do an intervention...mail it to me.
What if you put something stiff in the top edges to hang from and to counteract the stiffness of the magnet? Thick poly or two wooden rulers?
Actually, I have come to the conclusion that the perfect bag is hanging out with Hoffa somewhere. Hundreds of bags: never the perfect one. Good luck.
Its very pretty! I love the look of knitted bags, but I don't like how they flop either - but I don't have suggestions to fix (cardboard under the lining?) But I really do think yours is pretty - love the lining!
Well, there may be salvation for this purse yet! Elysbeth, thanks for the offer of "purse intervention" but I think that today I had a flash of insight that will perhaps make this purse just fine. I'll let you know once I have the fixes in place.
Jeanne, thanks : )
You need to clue me in on the secret, because like you, I love bags until they're done. Then, it's 'why did I do that, again?'
I LOOOOVE my oragami bird, by the way. It's gorgeous and as soon as I get my 'stuff' together, I'll send you a proper thank you card like you deserve. :)
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