I have a finished scarf and glove set that are finally Finished Objects. One finished knitted item Ruffled Roses scarf (design by Annie Modisett - you can get her free pattern from your LYS). This is the scarf I started making last January during the ice storm? Remember how I put it
aside when I tired of the endless ribbing after the all-too-fun lace?

Nice scarf, I really really like it, except I wish I'd knit it a wee bit longer, but that's okay. I could only endured 26" of scarf ribbing goodliness on each side before I felt I'd keel over from ribbing burnout. So I have a fairly short 52" scarf.
Next, I decided that what I really needed to go WITH the darling scarf was a set of matching gloves and black hat - with embellishments. Mind you, I didn't feel quite energetic enough to actually knit a whole pair of gloves, especially in BLACK (dreaded color on the aging eyes). So I decided to buy a store-bought pair of black gloves and embellish the cuff. I wanted to include the lovely Online 194 Solo Linie in the burgandy color to match my scarf ruffle - I wanted that for the cuff edging. I also longed for a bit of cream lace for the top of the glove, again to match the scarf, so I carried the theme through 1 repetition of the lace pattern. My friend Carol suggested I do two repeats wide - one on each side to fit the gloves and that seemed to work out perfectly!

Then I took my little black felted hat from last year and made a big cabbage rose embellishment for it as well. Unfortunately, the cabbage rose came out too large and a bit gawdy, so I took it off.
Now I'm fully prepared for winter - at least in terms of winter accessories. I still need to check the antifreeze in my car, and I still have to find my ice scraper, yet at least I'll be cozier with these ruffled rose accessories to keep me warm.
Thats funny, I think the cabbage rose on the hat is the best piece. But I love a great hat.
Ha! Elysbeth has good taste so I put it back on. Hmmm. Funny that the thing I think is too gawdy may not be after all.
I didn't think it was gaudy either, you should definitely keep the rose on the hat! Nothing like a great flower on an otherwise-dull hat to make it look fab. The cuffs looked even better in person, too, it's a great look.
Yesterday I also made these little tiny roses that I was thinking of sewing around the cuff edge on the gloves so there wouldn't be such a distinct edge there between the black gloves and the cream lace cuffs. I didn't sew them on yet, because again, I thought they looked too gawdy.
I like everything in the pictures as is. All of it is gorgeous. :)
I am in awe! The whole works is lovely. Kudos to you.
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