The knitting group decided that since it was a beautiful Spring day, and we were going to be light on attendance, due to the Easter weekend, that we would take a field trip to Knitcraft in Independence, Missouri.
I wore my favorite shawl: Forest Canopy Shawl by Susan Lawrence. It's my favorite pattern bar NONE and I can't recommend it highly enough, especially for a first shawl. The best thing about the pattern is that it features both written instructions AND a chart, so you can pick whichever type of instruction you prefer. It was a great way for me to baby-step my way into charts when I first made this shawl last Spring. And the photo, incidentally, was also taken of me last Spring so in case you think I lost weight or cut my hair recently, the answer is "No, I didn't."
Anyhow, we went to Knitcraft and it was fun - I think my shawl inspired some others in the group to pick up some shawl yarn.

I myself have to confess, I couldn't resist this Araucania Ranco in Colorway 308. It has gorgeous shades of chocolate, grey, brown, beige and peach.

Then we started over to the Main Street Coffee House at the Independence Square. It was really a charming, comfy place. The owner was extremely nice and the staff welcoming. Not only did we have coffee, but several of us had sandwiches.

And last, but not least, I started what I am calling "Gothic Rose Shawl" but it's actually a Forest Canopy Shawl using Kay's Gothic Rose Dome Hill sock yarn. I'm hoping to get this finished - if possible, in the next couple of weeks so that Kay can use it at her display for Knitting In the Heartland vendor booth.
I love the feel of that Ranco, I wish it came in a colorway I really loved. I think it would be good in a 'my so called scarf' sort of patterning.
The new shawl looks gorgeous. You will surely enjoy every stitch!!!
love those colors -- hope I get to see the finished product -- I know it'll be beautiful!
Thanks for posting the pictures! I'm sad I missed the fun, but am glad I missed the temptation.
Yeah, it was tempting, especially the shawl yarn. But Kay will bring her yarn to knit group this coming week to tempt you.
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