For the Lily Chin sport weight yarn - the winner is PamM, who was afraid she'd jinx her luck by sending me her email addy in advance! Ha! I will mail it to you, Pam, as soon as I email you and get your postal address.
The winner of the Plymouth Outback is Carla . . . she shall receive this at knit group later today.
So although we had just a few participants, and I was able to draw names from a coffee cup rather than a hat, it was still a really FUN way of downloading some stash.
In fact, I had so much fun, that I may and probably WILL do it again, very very soon. So Elysbeth, while I'm sorry you missed out on this Stash Giveway, I'm also happy that you are back. Perhaps you will try your hand at my next Online Trunk show.
Here's a hint guys: I think the Tuesday to Friday format worked very well, so you might just want to pop in every Tuesday and see if I'm giving away any more of my stash. Going through the stash again last night taking inventory, I was actually PROUD that I don't have the gigantuan stack of stash I had this time last year.
If you will recall, last year I had tons of stuff from my 2003 beginning knitting shopping sprees. Unfortunately in 2003, when I first began, I didn't know what kind of yarn to buy, so it wasn't all that great in terms of quality. A lot of that older stuff has already been given away or knitted up last year. So now I really have a stash I'm overall pretty satisfied with. But what little is still bothering me for keeping around, I will be giving away. If I can't knit it within the next year or at most 18 months, it is going bye bye. I have a limited amount of knitting time and project interest, so there will be a few more things going away.
Most yarn in my Current Stash, is stuff I'm really happy with!! And I've been on pretty much of a Stash Diet for over a year now. I can't say that I've adhered to it STRICTLY, because I still do buy what I REALLY want to buy, but my new philosophy is to buy only what I'm going to knit up in the next month - and only yarn that I have actual PLANS for, a specific project at the top of my Ravelry Queue. Cindy at The Studio and Rita at Knitcraft have both lamented about how little they've seen of me this year. Well, I still love both of those shops. It's just that I haven't been going on big yarn binges this year, and also, what little shoppping I've done has primarily been online, and mainly has been Shawl Yarn that I know I'll use, because I LOVE lace with all my heart.
But don't worry, I'll still be feeling the Yarny Love and The Studio Love, and the Knitcraft Love. Just no more major sweater yarn purchases until I either lose a significant amount of weight, or suddenly am swept away with the Sweater Love.
Now, go have a wonderful Saturday everyone, and a Great Father's Day. Here's Kudos, in advance, to all the wonderful Fathers out there - including my husband, Bob. Speaking of which, I am still searching for a gift for my beloved, and will have to think real hard about what he wants this year. He's kept pretty close-mouthed about it.
Restaurant Gift Cards? Subscription to Model Railroading?
Coffee place gift card so he can enjoy it for months?
Carmen Elektra inspired dance routine?
Just a few thoughts.
Whew! I'm so glad I resisted, because, seriously, the yarn room is full. Not that it's all that big of a room, but still. There's overflow into the rest of the basement, in the living room, and of course the yarn room floor is covered. Sheesh. I may have to do a stash giveaway, myself.
I would love some yummy yarn. I like blue shades. But other than that surprise me.
THanks so much. I even picked up a pattern Wed. night at Misknits that I think will be perfect for this yarn (When I bought the pattern I was thinking I didn't have the right wt. of yarn for it.)
I'm due for a knit day next week, I'll pick it up! Actually I wanted to come see you all yesterday but we ended up going to Columbia instead with my father-in-law. So next week it is. :-)
THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE YARN!!!! I'm going to post on my blog about it. Carol gave it to me on the 26th and I've been swamped since then. I never win anything so this is especially nice.
I can't wait to do some neat felted project with it this fall.
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