Several months ago, Laurie Perry (Crazy Aunt Purl) published the hilarious book DRUNK, DIVORCED AND COVERED IN HAT HAIR. I read her blog fairly regularly, but hadn't read the book until the other day.
The book includes some simple knitting paterns for beginners. There's one for a Felted Bracelet Bag (pattern free on her website if you click on this link). I thought it was really cute and will be perfect to hang on my wrist when I'm running quick errands to take just my ID, keys, a lipstick and cell phone. It sure beats dragging my big purse on quick jaunts.
This is the one I knit - started it this morning while watching the tribute shows on Tim Russert, and just two hours later, the bag was done, including seaming up the sides and felting it. What a fun project! Just what I needed - a mindless, fun, easy and cute quick fix.

I liked it so much that I think I'm going to make at least one more. Yay! Fun and quick and cute is good right now. (I also think these would make excellent gifts).
Chelle — I wanted to get you the message that the Guild meeting is Monday, June 16 at 6 p.m. I got off somewhere on my weeks and I thought the meeting was next week. Sorry for passing along incorrect info! I'll post on Ravelry, too.
Celle, too cute! Thanks for the link to the pattern. What is the chain/handle for the purse? I looks like it's an actual bracelet.
Yes, it is. It's a bracelet. Can buy cheapies from Claires or wherever.
I see from your progress bar that Thalia is almost done. Yay!
(cute bag)
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