Wednesday, August 13, 2008

As Summah Draws to a Close

So many things have happened this summer. My daughter is driving, holding down a job, dating, and seeing her friends. Her life is busy, and the summer has been full. But it's drawing to a close, as school starts again next week. It's hard to believe just how amazingly fast this summer has flown by, even faster than most.

Did you see the movie Mamma Mia, featuring the Abba music of the 70's yet? Great chick flick. Go see it with your favorite pals. Definitely, the most emotional part of the Mama Mia movie, which I saw a few weeks ago with Emily and my mother, was the part where Meryl Streep sings the song about letting go of her daughter. I've entered the beginning of the "letting go" phase, and it's so hard, but a relief to see how she's taking on more and more responsibility.

On the Ravelempics front, I am still futzing with Square 3 of the lower back. On this project, there are a total of 8 squares, plus a 3 inch border that goes all the way around the bottom, and a collar. I haven't gotten very far on Monday or Tuesday. Let's hope today I am able to accomplish more. Sure hope so!! It feels like it's not going fast enough, and I really want to have this entire thing done, including seaming, by the end of the Olympics on August 24th.


Elysbeth said...

You've raised her fine, you'll both be okay.

Fiddle on the square, doesn't it know you're facing a challenge?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you about Mamma Mia - I was trying to hide the tears when Meryl Streep was singing to her daughter, it made me miss my mum! Fantastic movie though.
Ballatrina :)