My taxes. Check. Thank goodness those are finally out of the way.
We're working on the bathroom - making big progress there, but I'd say that accomplishment goes on Bob's list, not mine, since all I've done is standby and admire his handiwork.
Cleaning out and organizing my clothes closets (yes 2 of them). Big accomplishment. Even bigger (pun intended) is the fact that I finally had the courage to round up all of my "fat clothes" and donate them to a charitable organization.
Why is this such a BIG deal? Always in the past, I've kept a full range of clothes from size 6-14. Haven't kept many of the 6's because I long ago gave up on the idea of ever wearing those. But the larger range - especially from 12-14, I've hung onto like paste on old wallpaper. Not giving them up HUH UH!!! Why? Because no matter what diet or exercise plan I have been on, I've always feared that I getting fat again is just inevitable. So I finally had the courage to give them away. I am going to trust enough in myself that I won't regret giving up those old favorite and comfy clothes, no matter what. I'm finding replacements that fit the new size and self-image that I'm slowly building.
Changing from a "fat old frump" mentality into a "fit and attractive" mentality is a HUGE step, and one I'm still working on day by day. But this is the year where I'm changing that mindset by putting my priorities on doing whatever it takes to exercise daily, eat healthy and keep my mindset on inching toward my fitness goals.
Okay - yesterday I also took in an afternoon matinee with my husband. Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood. I'm not usually a Clint E fan, and I went to see this movie mainly to please Bob, but let me tell you, it is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time, and I watch lots of movies. It is MUCH better than most of the movies that won Academy Award prizes. I absolutely loved this touching story of an old gruff Korean war vet who befriends his young Hmong neighbor after the kid tries to steal his beloved 1972 Gran Torino. Wow, what a movie. It will probably make the list of my personal top 10 all-time favorites. Seriously.
So if you haven't seen Gran Torino yet, please run not walk to the theater and take in this wonderful picture this weekend.
I love the title (and the meaning) of this post. That's fantastic, Chelle!
Aw! We could have traded! I have tons of 8's I've given up on, instead being resigned to my stupid 10 and 12s.
YAY on kicking the big pants to the curb!!! I'm proud of your shapely self!
I saw Gran Torino a few months ago. Loved, loved, loved it!
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