Is it really Spring, as the calendar insists, or have we reverted back to Thanksgiving? Here in our part of the Midwest, we had a very funky weather day. It started out raining a really cold, nasty rain, then it turned to ice pellets that covered the roads and trees, then some huge feather size snowflakes that stuck, then it literally snowed slush. We stayed right at freezing temps all day long so some stuff stuck. I think we ended up with 3 inches and it's been a cold mess.
By the time my dog, Domino, went out, his little body was half covered in snow and he wasn't very happy.
We hung out at home most of the day in front of the fireplace and I had a craving for turkey. We bought a big Butterball turkey and cooked it for hours late in the afternoon and into the evening. It made the whole house smell scrumptious. I think we're going to stay home tomorrow too and have a lazy pajama day. Our lunch will be a Thanksgiving menu - turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberries and green beans. Don't worry, mine will be the low cal version - turkey with salad and just a taste of cranberries.
At any rate, it's been a fun "snug as a bug in a rug" kind of weekend, knitting, reading, cooking and nesting at home with my family. Hopefully spring is just around the corner, because we're all getting REALLY anxious for some bright cheery spring weather. Before this storm hit, the grass was green, trees budding and you could almost smell fresh cut grass in the air. Ah well, patience, Spring WILL come.
Where I live, we always seem to get at least one day of snow in April. It may be inconsequential, a few flurries. It may be a blizzard (we had a bad one in the late 60s).
Our side yard is full of wild violets blooming. It rained buckets for a few hours last night. They thought yesterday that it might snow today but it's 39F right now, so probably not, at least not till nighttime.
Spring is one day at a time, I think.
Mmmn, Thanksgiving food. Sounds heavenly. We had snow also, glad I didn't have to go anywhere.
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