Okay, since my word guiding me this year is FIND, I decided to start a new blog feature called "Friday's Find." Each Friday, I will post something that I have FOUND to be helpful and perhaps valuable to others, as well. It might be a product, it might be an observation, it might be a method, it might be a book. It might be . . . . well almost anything. It might even be more than one thing, as is the case this week.

First to talk about is Loreal's "Telescopic Explosion Mascara." I bought this at Walgreens for $8 or $9. My Mom actually is the one who found it, and then she urged me to try it. I really LOVE this mascara. It made me sparse, very fine eyelashes really bloom without looky clumpy. The secret is the round brush inside. It seems to distribute the mascara evenly. Best of all, it only takes a few quick swipes to make my lashes look fuller.

And guess what I found while cleaning and sorting last week? My silver pendant that had been missing for 2 years. It's a favorite little necklace I like to wear because it seems to go with everything and now I've uncovered it again. Makes me want to sort and clean more drawers and see what else I can discover that has been given up for lost!
What have you found this week?
I found my iPod Shuffle after weeks of having "lost" it. It was in the pocket of a forgotten coat in the back of the coat closet.
those are two great finds! wtg
i found two half finished blocks of an afghan so i finished one and am trying to work on the other (though having probs with a specific stitch).
cant wait to see what you find next :D
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