Over on Ravelry this week, someone posted a thread asking "When do you have/make time to knit?" The responses were interesting, and I have to confess that I read it partly under the delusional HOPES that someone would reveal a unique knitting opportunity that I hadn't yet discovered.
But one commenter there, GlimmerJSP, pointed out a concept that really rang a bell with me and that was her mentioning that she knits during "stolen moments." Her description of knitting during Stolen Moments is so true for me too. I don't have much knitting time either. And I knit slowly. Working full-time makes it challenging to knit during the week - and having short half an hour lunches are tough too. I find myself opting to bring a lunch from home, not only to save money, but to squeeze in every available minute after lunch to make a bit of progress on my current WIP.
And even on the busiest days, I try to steal at least 1 row in because that one row makes me feel like there's at least a shred of ME left, and time to nurture my creativity.
I knit always when waiting, at appointments etc, even in the grocery line. I bring a small project with me all the time on the go. I also have my husband drive most the time in the evenings and weekends so that I can steal in whatever time between errands etc. I go to a knitting group on Saturday afternoons whenever I possibly can make it. And I try to knit a few rows before crashing at night.
All in all, the important thing is to make time for ME every day. Even if it's only 15 minutes, one row, and if no time for that, then at least paging through a knitting magazine to appreciate some project, some technique. Ahhhh!!!
Perhaps the stolen moments with many things in life are the most precious.
Oh man! I'm with you. Slow knitter but I find that I am also seriously ADD. I can't stand to not check Ravelry and my blogs. I spend far too much time HERE reading stuff and looking for stuff that I could spend spinning and knitting. I need to steal time for activities and not reading about my activities.
When I had a "job job," I made a committment to myself that I would always do at least one creative act each day.
It was my commitment to who I was inside, and I found it extremely important to my serenity. Sometimes I just rubberstamped the envelopes of the bills I'd just paid, but I made sure to keep that promise to my artful inner self.
I think you are doing the same sort of thing for yourself. Keep going!
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