The photo you see here is of the back only - there are two pieces in the front which I have knitted since the photo was taken. I don't have a photo yet of the nearly finished garment, because I left my camera over at Grammy's house the other night.
And even though I'm a slow knitter and have had VERY LITTLE (very very little) knitting time this week, I've managed to nearly complete it as of my lunchbreak at work yesterday. I've only got a few more rows to go and then sew up two side seams and a snap or ribbon and I'm done. Amazing! So this project is not only cute, but fast. I need "fast" because I'm making this tiny kimono for a tiny client of mine who is having a tiny baby in about - 2 days according to her due date. Now I just need some tiny booties to go along with it, in lime green me thinks. Anyone know of a really easy cute bootie pattern they could suggest?
I will take one more shot of this kimono in a day or two, when it's all seamed up. I'm also going to attempt to pick up stitches around the short sleeves and make some kind of picot border or something. We'll see.
For you Sip and Knitters, I won't be at the meeting on Saturday because I'm scheduled to take a class on crochet edgings/borders at the Studio from 1-4 on Saturday. Speaking of which, I need to knit up some swatches to use for that class. I haven't taken a Studio class in a while and am really looking forward to it. The class is called "Crochet for Knitters" and it's supposed to be taught by a really good teacher. This class is designed for frustrated knitters who need to join knitted pieces together as well as learn how to do edging etc.
Saturday's are just a really BAD day for me to meet with my knitting group, because I try to work in the morning at the office for a couple of hours before then running my errands. And then things like this class come up in the afternoon . . . oh well, all things in balance, right?
This kimono starts at the back, you knit up, then knit each side of the kimono one at a time. Next one I make will have sleeves and I may try a larger size for my 8 month old niece. The pattern only has directions for newborns, so I'll have to improvise a bit.
Added Note: Hey, Mom just called and corrected me! I'm wrong the class is NEXT Saturday, July 8th, not this Saturday. Never mind!
Man! Well, if YOU'RE not going to be there, what's the point of any of us going? We will just have to muddle through, I suppose. ;)
Easy baby booties? I have quite a few patterns in my book o' patterns. I say make a pair in lime green and crochet an edge around the top in the contrasting color.
Good idea, and yeah, I will be there after all because I got the date wrong. The class is NEXT Saturday July 8th. So you'll have to suffer with me there.
And guess what? I'll probably bring my Gimme 5 Vest to torture you with some more. We need to figure out how to make it longer. "We" incidentally means YOU>
The baby sweater is ADORABLE!!!
LOL! I'll take that challenge! Let's see if I can do it in two! :D
Cute baby top, for a cute (I hope) babay.
Glad you're coming Saturday. Next week, we'll have to figure it out. (-:
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