Many things occurred to me over the past week or so as being among my favorites, but these are ones that immediately popped into my mind this morning, I may be adding more later as they occur to me. They are very trivial, but fun things that hopefully will spark in you some of your own favorites, or spur you to try some new things:

Favorite all-time music album, Carol King's Tapestry. I sang this album, over and over, by rote, by memory and with deep emotion all throughout my teen years. It still stirs bittersweet coming-of-age memories in me.

Favorite mindless book I read as a girl that I still treasure and love: A Woman of Substance by Barbara Taylor Bradford. A great long soap-operish book that I thoroughly enjoyed - it's total brain candy but sweet and enjoyable, nonetheless.

Another old time book I loved and still re-read every few years for the romance, history, suspense and mysticism is Green Darkness by Anya Seyton.

Favorite movie seen this year (it's cheating because I actually saw it just before the turn of 2007, it's called "Pursuit of Happyness" with Will Smith and is available on DVD now.

Favorite relaxing balm for body and hands: Gardeners Body Butter by Upper Canada. I bought this at Beauty Brands but think you can buy it cheaper all over the web. I use it mainly as hand cream, but it soothes dry skin anywhere. Also, it smells pleasant and minty, but not overly strong. Clean pleasant smell.

Favorite oldie but goody "get a kick of it" book (for the excellent zany and hilarious based-on-true life characters) forever - Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. And no, the movie just ain't the same - you need to read the book. Even though it was a bestseller years ago, in 1997, it is still one of the most deliciously gossipy and fascinating sort-of-based-on-truth books I've ever read.

Favorite place I've ever visited, no surprise there, Savannah Georgia. Not just because of the book, but also because it's one of the most beautiful, friendly and fascinating places I've ever been. Granted, I'm not well traveled, but it's truly memorable.

Favorite candle: WoodWick soy candles that Mary told me about. You can buy them at Cracker Barrell restaurants in the gift shop. They are the most delightful candles you will ever experience - they have a wood wick (and thus the name), they smell delightful, burn twice as long as a normal candle and give off a wood cracking sound that reminds you of a crackling fire. My personal favorite scent is RUM RAISIN. It's delightful, but they have many scents to chose from, including Fireplace. Speaking as a bonafide candle fanatic I can testify to the fact that these are the --- the best!!! Made even better by soaking in a big bubble bath at the same time as burning the candle. It would make a lovely and affordable post-Christmas gift for $15.99 if you haven't found a special gift for someone on your list.

Best (natural) and helpful headache remedy and stress reliever: Origins "Peace of Mind." You can buy it at any Origins store.

Favorite place I've never been but long (deeply) to go: How about anywhere in Alaska? You name it, I'd go there. I want to take one of those cruises where you go from Seattle or Vancouver and travel up through Alaska. Speaking of Alaska, another movie I really loved was: Into the Wild. Another based-on-true-life story that was just fascinating, and frightening. And emotional. All at the same time. I loved it! It ought to be out on DVD soon, if not already. Made me want to go to Alaska even more.

Favorite "How to" or self-help book this year (and I read a LOT of them) is definitely, "This Year I Will" and I'll be re-reading this one this week as the new year approaches.

Favorite styling tool: Chi hair straightener.
Favorite nail polish brand OPI, favorite colors, "More Time for Me" and "Abbey Rose." Yes, superficial but painted nails make me happy!!!

OPI - Abbey Rose NLB22OPI - Abbey Rose

Favorite Knitting Book of 2007: Definitely, Victorian Knitted Lace by Jane Sowersby. Read this interesting article about her and her heavenly shawls here at Knitting Universe. I have a confession to make: somehow this knitter, author, designer intimidates me to no end. When we were at Stitches Midwest last summer, I enjoyed her display and presentation of her shawls better than probably anything else (except for sitting around in the lobby of the hotels and knitting and chatting with strangers). But of all the total strangers who I met and enjoyed talking with, when I met her in the Marketplace and had a chance to talk with her, all I could do was admire the beautiful green shawl she was wearing and stutter when she tried to explain which one it was, and how she made it. Yes, she actually tried to patiently explain how she made it, and where I could find it in the book. Do you think I remember a thing? Nah. But I don't know if there are any specific shawls in there I actually want to make - flipping through the pages of this book makes me wnat to knit lace, definitely, but I have several shawl pattern projects in my shawl notebook that I'm actually more in love with. So I don't know if I will ever make a shawl from this book or not.
Favorite old TV laughs. Sure to make me laugh, with fond memories: watching old Fawlty Towers and old Carol Burnett reruns. And my favorite old TV show -- I used to LOVVVVEEEEE (and still do) watching Johnny Carson reruns of The Tonight Show. Go to his website here, and see the video of the world's only fruitcake . . . he has this theory that there's only one in the world, and it's been passed and passed around to unappreciative recipients. Oh, just go there, it's really funny!
When you go to Alaska - the Princess lines have a package where you take the ship up the inland passage, get off in Seward, they have a car waiting for you and then you can go to Denali, or the Kenai penisula and stay in lodges that are owned by the cruise line and see the inside of Alaska, they even have a side option to fly up to Barrow for the day. You stay however many days you need, go back to Seward (You won't get lost, not many roads with pavement), get on a different ship home and sail away.
I've now seen that the two colors I listed here, "Abby Rose" and "Make More Time for Me" are discontinued. They may be hard or impossible to find. I bought 3 more colors last night - new ones called, "An Affair in Red Square" (rich red); OPI Love This Color (winey/burgandy); and "Mother Road Rose" which looks almost identical to my favorite OPI discontinued color of "Abbey Rose." So if you can't find "Abbey Rose" look for "Mother Road Rose".
LOL it's almost frightening how many of your favorite things would be on my list!!
My youngest adores Carol King's Tapestry, (we sang and danced to it just last night) and go figure...she goes to school in Savannah! LOL
Wow, this is quite a great list :)
Thanks for the compliments on my blog!
Yankee Candle has Holiday Bayberry on a buy one get one free sale right now, including the huge jar candles - hurry :)
Have a happy healthy New Year!!!
Hmmm, favorite things? Brian.
Other than that?
Yarn, especially bright colored yarn.
Hot tea, especially Twinings English Breakfast.
The toddler in my life, a friend's daughter who once called me "Grandma" by accident (I melted).
The community in which I live. It's a little boring but it's friendly and full of creative people if you look for them.
Frozen organic strawberries 12 months of the year.
Baked sweet potatoes (with butter).
Music... listening or playing.
The fact that my small family gets along so well (I know this is not to take for granted).
Making a living as a knitting professional.
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